Sunday, December 14, 2014

Why Was Fantasy Football Created?

                Friends and family, everyone is together, it is a Sunday afternoon, and football is on. There are snacks for everyone, but no one is eating. Everyone is too preoccupied to eat. They’re too busy rooting for their fantasy football players. Fantasy football is a way for friends and family to get together for some friendly competition. Fantasy football is a way for fans to unite as one and try to win something for themselves. Fantasy football is about making your dream team, and trying to beat your best friend’s dream team. Fantasy football is something almost everyone plays. Yet in truth, is fantasy football just a way for the NFL to get more people watching their games, or is it really meant to give people joy? I guess that’s for you to decipher.

            For many reasons, you can consider that fantasy football was brought about to give joy to people. The biggest reason being, that is does. Since fantasy football is a fun thing for people all around the United States, it makes you want to believe that fantasy football really is made for people to have a good time, with a sport that they love. Another reason it may be believed that fantasy football was created for people’s enjoyment is, that since so many people love the sport, the NFL wanted to get them more involved in it. A final reason fantasy football could have been made for people’s enjoyment is, many people like football, but many also don’t. Fantasy football could’ve been made just for a fun way for people to get more into, or interested, in the sport, even if they might not actually like it. If you would like to believe that fantasy football was made strictly for people’s personal enjoyment, then you are very optimistic and I admire you, but honestly was it?

            Many believe, more practically, that fantasy football was just another way for the NFL to get people to watch their games and to make more money. It is a very reasonable idea that this is true, because we all know that in today’s society, money is all that matters to the majority of people. The first reason it is believed, logically, that fantasy football is only a way to increase NFL’s benefits, is that there is a direct correlation between people who play fantasy football, and their attendance at NFL games. Many studies have shown, that people who play fantasy football are more likely to attend NFL games, than people who don’t play. This shows that, the NFL is indeed impacted positively by fantasy football. Many people who play fantasy football watch football games where they aren’t even fans of the teams playing, just so that they can watch their fantasy football players. The NFL had to have known this would happen, which is another reason in which it is suggested that fantasy football was created in order to enhance the NFL.

            People these days may be considered shallow, some of them at least, and that is, sadly, an accurate description. Many people these days only care about money, fame, and success. This way of thinking is associated with most billion dollar associations, such as the NFL. For this reason alone, I believe, personally, that fantasy football was only a way for the NFL to make more money, and generate more fans, and it worked. You may believe differently, but you have to face the truth, money matters.    

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